May 2018

Cover Feature
HR Grapevine
HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd

Perspective of HR
The full spectrum

The full spectrum

HR Grapevine
HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd

From our Editor
May 2018May 2018

 Maze runner

Mazes have forever fascinated humans, especially as story-telling devices. From the Greek myth of the ancient hero Theseus’ battle against the minotaur – a terrifying half-bull, half-human creature - in the centre of a kingly labyrinth, to the maze-based challenge modern hero Harry Potter faced in the Triwizard tournament in the magical adventure series: mazes beguile and enchant us.

Apparently, mazes are all the rage in resourcing too, as Katrina Hutchinson-O’Neill, Nationwide’s Director of Resourcing, explained. She revealed why the well-regarded high-street bank are changing their recruitment tack, putting graduate candidates through a maze-style challenge that will remind many readers of a certain quirky gameshow that once dominated TV. However, it’s not the only change they’ve made. Aware that the competition for talent has gone cross-sector in recent years, Nationwide highlight some of their other recruitment tricks.

With that in mind, turn onto page 10 to see how the employment marketplace is evolving and what HR can do to ensure their own resourcing strategies don’t get lost in amongst the twists and turns of talent acquisition.


Sophie ParrottSignature Sophie
Daniel Cave - Head of Content






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