Shaking up talent management at innocent drinks

Spring is almost here! We’ve made it: it’s March, winter is nearly over and we can almost taste it: soon, instead of moaning about the cold, we can moan about the heat – a beloved pastime.
But in the world of work, the shakeups still continue: Oxford Economics reports that 50% of business leaders are worried about recession and most of the HRDs and CEOs we spoke with this month are padding things out and taking precautions.
And yet, the talent shortage is still rife, as workers refuse to settle for less than they’re worth and want to work in fair conditions for liveable wages – something that, due to Brexit, war and pandemic, isn’t as achievable as it’s been in yesteryears.
With that in mind, we’ve focused on talent management this month, from creating a talent pipeline through career progression and even retirees returning to work: a trend that has surprised and flummoxed business leaders.
For our cover feature, innocent drinks discusses parental leave and how to foster creativity while working remotely. Over at Jet2, HRD Miriam D’souli shares how bonuses and clear communication keep spirits flying high. And while Brewdog talks about improving morale from the top, DirectLine Group is busy implementing values that employees helped set.
Happy reading, and don’t forget to share your thoughts on our social channels!