The forgotten employment law taking the sidelines during the election

What happens to promised pre-election employment law? Does the outcome of 4th July change the outcome?
HR Grapevine
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The forgotten employment law taking the sidelines during the election
The outcome of the General Election may see changes to employment law that is stuck in the process

There is a swathe of employment law changes ranging from consultation on TUPE, to NDAs in sexual harassment cases to post-study work visas that were under consideration when the election was called, what will happen to these forgotten warriors of the regulatory employment law landscape?

HR Grapevine spoke to Sarah Tahamtani, Partner & Head of Employment at Clarion about the key changes that were afoot and could now be on pause.

The announcement of a July General Election has inevitably raised the question of what the future of UK employment law would look like under a Labour Government. With its plan to ‘Make Work Pay: Delivering A New Deal for Working People,’ Labour has pledged to strengthen employment rights for individuals, including protections offered to pregnant workers, whistleblowers and those facing redundancies.

While a new government will no doubt bring about significant changes to employment law, Tahamtani says there were already a number of legislative changes being considered when the election was called. What will happen to these? Will they be progressed under a new government, or will they fall by the wayside?

Consultation on TUPE

Reforms to TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations) law were expected to come into effect in July, following a consultation released on 16 May 2024, which clarified who the law applies to and removed the requirement to split an employee’s contract across different employers if a business is transferred to more than one owner.

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