Why learning to be resilient will transform your work life

Why learning to be resilient will transform your work life
FTI Consulting

Our capacity to bounce back – from setbacks and disappointments and from times of stress and challenge – is crucial to our careers, our job satisfaction and our happiness.

We can develop and enhance our ‘bounce-backability’ by taking practical steps to:

  • Understand the causes of stress – both internal and external
  • Respond effectively to pressure and to prevent it developing into stress
  • Move from the destructive downward cycle of unhealthy and unproductive responses to the onset of stress – by creating an upward spiral of responses that are healthy and productive
  • Sustain our self-esteem and deal with ‘ontological uncertainty’ – those times when we begin to doubt ourselves and our very identity
  • Manage ourselves, our emotions and our thoughts through conscious personal leadership
  • Learning how to navigate through change, achieve closure in relation to events and feelings that have troubled you, and support yourself in times that are difficult and demanding is one of the most valuable skills you will ever master.

Consider these five dimensions of wellbeing at work


Improving our physical wellbeing by changing our approach to exercise, relaxation, nutrition, hydration, posture and breathing. The aggregation of marginal gains – making a significant number of small and sustainable changes that cumulatively have a substantial impact.


Enhancing our psychological wellbeing by addressing a critically important relationship – the one you have with yourself. Changing our approach to reflection, personal growth, the choices we make around acceptance and intervention, perspective, proportion and gratitude. Learning how to use mindfulness – both as a meditative technique and in the way we perform at work.


Improving our social wellbeing by taking practical steps to reframe relationships, mend fences, empty grudge bags, celebrate diversity and give and receive confidence-building feedback. Using the Rodenberg three-circle model as a practical tool to enhance the way we connect to colleagues at work.


Exploring this dimension of well-being to manage and develop your talent and your career, to ‘sharpen your saw’ by building on your strengths and by working on what you need to improve. Using the ground-breaking work done by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi to achieve flow in the work you do and to maximise the satisfaction you gain from what you accomplish.


Reconnecting to the deepest level of who you are. The power, dignity and grace of the human spirit. Work as a search for meaning as much as a means of earning our daily bread. Work as a landscape of abundance opportunity in which you can discover who you are and what you can achieve.

The benefits of resilience in the workplace

The workplace can be rich with opportunity. A place where we can learn and grow, develop and contribute, build our careers, earn our living and provide for our family. It can also be challenging, demanding and exhausting. With support, you can develop powerful strategies to:

  • Deal with pressure and handle stress
  • Maintain your motivation and engagement
  • Develop and sustain self-esteem
  • Bounce back from set-backs and disappointments
  • Increase your fitness levels
  • Build deeper and more rewarding relationships at work

Transform your work life – and that of your team

FTI Consulting runs in-house workshops on resilience and wellbeing that help you not just to survive in the world of work, but to thrive and flourish. In an approach that is both holistic and highly practical, you will explore the five dimensions of resilience and wellbeing – physical, psychological, social, professional and spiritual.

In each dimension you will learn how making small, achievable changes – in mind-set, approach, discipline, conduct and daily practice – you can significantly enhance both your resilience and your wellbeing.

Tried and tested learning

We have delivered this workshop in organisations across a range of sectors where hard-working individuals and teams deliver high performance, cope with diverse and often conflicting demands, meet exacting standards and work under the pressure of demanding deadlines.

Do get in touch to discuss how your team can benefit from a tailored ‘Building Resilience and Wellbeing’ workshop.

I very much enjoyed the material covered but even more so the way it which it was delivered. I can honestly say Matthew made the session with his anecdotes and humour. I would very much recommend him and your business to my colleagues and peers. I feel I have already benefitted from the experiences shared on the day.” – Participant from a leading asset management company

If you would like to discuss how we could potentially support you with the design, development or delivery of a leadership development programme please contact:

Email: [email protected] 

Telephone:+44 (0)20 33195725

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