7 ways to be happier - and nurture happier staff, too

To mark International Week of Happiness at Work from 25-29 September 2023, experts share their advice on creating and nurturing happiness at work...
HR Grapevine
HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
7 ways to be happier - and nurture happier staff, too

Happiness at work is something everyone aspires to have and be, and HR are a huge part of that process. Whether it's about the day-to-day, long-term ideas, people or policy, it's important for everyone to try and be happier and nurture happiness in their teams and staff.

This week 25-29 Sept 2023 is International Week of Happiness at Work - a concept that is, of course, very subjective. What does happiness at work mean, and how does it vary for different people? For some, happiness is about flexible working, for others it's about pay. Some might feel happier when they are thanked often, while others might feel happier if they have more annual leave.

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