Generation Y: Linking Recruitment and Reputation

Generation Y, digital natives, are not as fundamentally different from other employees, as some people would have you believe. Where they differ is in their expectations of what an employer should do, what their psychological contract looks like and how they want to progress in their careers. They are strongly influenced by their peers in their choice of employer and even before they join, may impact a company’s reputation. When looking to recruit, retain and develop Generation Y talent, companies must be acutely aware of these factors that influence the youngest generation in the workplace.

Is Generation Y really different? Haven’t young people in the workplace always been the same? They are enthusiastic, full of energy, ambitious, risk-taking and believe they have bright ideas that will translate into major improvements. So what is different about today’s under-30s?

Research at Ashridge Business School over the last 8 years has shown that there has been a fundamental shift with this generation. They come into the workplace with the same raw potential as their colleagues from previous generations, but with different experience and expectations. What sets this generation apart is that it communicates differently and therefore needs to be approached differently.


Sue Honoré
Associate Research Consultant
Ashridge Business School
Author for iCIMS Hire Expectations Institute
[email protected]



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