Labor law 'violations' | Forbes staff stage walkout on iconic '30 Under 30' day over pay dispute

Forbes staff stage walkout on iconic '30 Under 30' day over pay dispute

A dispute over pay between Forbes and its editorial staff culminated in an organized walkout Tuesday—the day the publication released its renowned ’30 Under 30’ lists.

Forbes Union, the body representing around 100 of the media outlet’s staff, led the walkout as negotiations wavered.

Editorial staff are seeking significant improvements to the wage floor guaranteed to workers, as well as changes to overtime pay and better guarantees around promotions and raises.

Tuesday, December 3 marked the release of 20 ‘30 Under 30’ lists, which have become a widely popular round-up of influential figures below the age of 30 across various sectors and industries.

Why did Forbes employees stage a walkout?

Forbes Union has stated hopes for a new contract between the magazine and its members, including a wage floor of $75,000, annual raises of 8%, minimum promotion pay increases of 15%, and overtime bonus pay.

The latest offer from Forbes – a wage floor of $60,000, annual raises of 1%, and minimum promotion pay increases of 5% - fell way short of those demands.

The group released a statement alongside The NewsGuild-CWA, a journalist labor union it has organized with since 2021.

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Forbes Union and The NewsGuild-CWA said the stoppage is “in protest of the business magazine’s continued intransigence at the bargaining table,” and accused Forbes of “multiple labor law violations.”

In January, The NewsGuild of New York filed an unfair labor practice charge on behalf of the Forbes Union, citing “company interference with protected union activity, discrimination based on protected union activity, and refusing to bargain in good faith.”

The charge related to an alleged incident in 2023 when a manager reportedly attempted to prevent an employee from exercising her rights. The employee had earlier replied to a company email raising concerns about Forbes’ commitment to editorial integrity and transparency. 

What did Forbes employees say about the walkout?

In the statement, Andrea Murphy, Unit Chair and Statistics Editor at Forbes asserted the decision to walk out on the ’30 Under 30’ launch day was a concerted effort to show the business they would continue to take a hard line on their pay demands.

“CEO Mike Federle said at a recent town hall that management is eager to get a contract but that it seems like a very long way off. That’s because of his actions and that of management,” she said.

“We have been and will continue to be ready to get this contract done, including pay that recognizes the value we bring to Forbes.

“We walked out today, on the day of the “30 Under 30” launch, to show that value and to make it clear that we will not stand for management’s violations of labor law.”

Another employee, writing on X, accused Forbes of “dragging its feet and breaking labor law.”

The journalist added that while a contract agreement was in the offing, work disruptions “will continue until bargaining improves.”

Susan DeCarava, President of The NewsGuild of New York added that the success of Forbes’ hugely popular ’30 Under 30’ is a “direct result” of the work of the unionized editors.

“It’s long past time for management to recognize that fact with a fair contract,” she continued.

Forbes Union: ’30 under 30’ day walkout culmination of three-year dispute

Forbes Union and The NewsGuild said they have unsuccessfully attempted to secure a first contract for their members since 2021.

As well as seeking “strong and fair salary minimums,” the unions are also aiming to strengthen protections for editorial staff in the event of layoffs and improve healthcare coverage.

The statement accused Forbes management of “disrespect” and “illegal, union-busting tactics” over the last three years.

Forbes has responded to the walkout. In a statement shared with the Guardian, the magazine said the one-day stoppage was “disappointing.”

“We are working diligently with the NewsGuild of NY to reach a collective bargaining agreement and have reached tentative agreements on several proposals,” it said. “While we respect their right to stage a walkout, we are disappointed by the union’s decision, especially when we have a bargaining session scheduled tomorrow and a willingness to meet across the month.”

Forbes said the stoppage would not disturb the output of content published across its platforms.

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