Advanced Highlights | Whistleblowing Benchmark Report 2023

Whistleblowing Benchmark Report 2023

By Greg Ogle,

The annual Safecall Whistleblowing Benchmark Report is due out in March 2023.

Each year this report produces some interesting research insights, and this year is no different.

The results can best be summed up as a return to pre-Covid normal for some, systems and people under pressure for others.

Whistleblowing Rates of Engagement

The return to pre-Covid whistleblowing reporting has not been equal, and there are key sectors Healthcare +36%, Not for profit +33%, Retail +25% and Local government +10% that are seeing a huge increase in the rate of reporting received.

This seems to reflect a response to the return to work, with those sectors feeling the lingering effects of Covid, as well as the current societal and economic changes being hit hardest, whilst others – banking and finance for instance – that have always been heavily regulated by whistleblowing legislation seemingly unaffected.

Rise in dishonest behaviour

As we correctly predicted last October, the unfavorable economic circumstances and reduction in living standards is having a perceptible knock-on effect, with a +3% rise in reported dishonest behaviour overall.

  • +2% rise in corruption reports

  • +1% rise in fraud reports

  • +1% rise in bribery reports

Sharp rise in some HR reports

There has also been a sharp rise reported in Racism and Harassment, both +5%.

These figures can be read in two ways, either as a rise in racism and harassment itself, or as a break-through moment with racism and harassment no longer being tolerated.

Changing priorities

The world has changed dramatically over the past few years, and we are starting to see these changes reflected in the whistleblowing data.

General whistleblowing reports about organisation ‘reputation’ damage (-12%), are being replaced by reports of policy wrongdoing (+8%), environmental wrongdoing (+2%) and data protection reports (+2%).

Perhaps these results reflect the changing priorities of the whistleblower, with employees becoming more resolute in challenging wrongdoing affecting not just their business or organisation, but themselves and society as well?

Telephone wins out over web reports

Telephone reports are 11% more likely to be substantiated, and that’s because 55% of all whistleblowing telephone hotline reports are named.

Telephone hotline conversations often involve a higher level of trust on the part of the whistleblower, so they’re willing to be more open. In addition, a friendly, professional telephone call handler can help draw out more information by engaging in direct conversation, rather than relying on an initial submission with no further contact.

If you would like to order your free copy of the full Safecall Whistleblowing Benchmark Report 2023, please enter your details using the pre-registration form, and it will be emailed to you on release.

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