In an August 2017 survey by PwC they concluded that workforce is the single largest annual investment. For most companies, it accounts for more than 30% of revenue.
The workforce can also pose a significant risk to the business. As well as employees who may regularly be absent from work, or those on disciplinary proceedings, there are less obvious risks which need to be considered. Are there bad managers causing undue sickness and absence?
The job of HR staff is notoriously difficult because you’re dealing with people and not just processes. In the past, HR data has simply been viewed as a method to record what is happening. But analysing this HR data can help you to identify departments, locations or managers where there may be a significant number of absences, and allow you to prevent this in the future.
Access the article and discover how proactive HR case management can help you identify your riskiest employees and give you the knowledge you need to tackle the issues before they happen.