Work environments | 4 reason why happy employees mean a happy business

4 reason why happy employees mean a happy business

If your employees and your business had a theme song, what would it be?

Are they channeling their inner Gloria Gaynor and singing I Will Survive? Or maybe they’ve lost that lovin’ feeling and are living on a prayer?

The chances are it’s not going to be a tune that makes you (or them) happy.

According to our report The State of the Deskless Workforce 2021, 83% of frontline workers like restaurant staff, lorry drivers, supermarket cashiers, warehouse operatives and healthcare workers in the UK say understaffing is creating a more stressful work environment, 58% have considered quitting their job because they are unhappy and a third say they would prefer more flexibility to a pay rise.

The reality is that:

  • Employees leave because they’re not happy.

  • Hiring new people is expensive.

  • Staff shortages, high staff turnover, and the costs that come with it are a nightmare.

That’s why it’s time to change the record and welcome in the Pharrell Williams’ toe-tapping classic Happy (don’t worry, no Minions are required) and unleash the benefits of a happy, engaged workforce.

Here are four compelling reasons why a happy workforce means a happy, successful business:

1. Better employee experience

Redefining your employee experience is the best starting point for improving happiness at work. For example, a good onboarding program can improve employee retention by as much as 25% and make new hires 69% more likely to stick with an employer for three years. As well as improving retention rates, happy employees are more accurate on tasks and more productive than unhappy employees.

Technology is your friend here and tools like a WFM solution can transform your employee experience by making it simple for your staff to communicate, see when they are working, swap shifts, apply for leave and log the hours they’ve worked.

What’s more, when employee engagement is built into a WFM app, it means you can very quickly and very easily see how your employees are doing (with the ability to send out short surveys) as well as being able to reward and recognise them for the work they do.

2. Better customer experience

Do you know what the best thing about happy employees is? Happy customers! Companies with engaged employees see customer satisfaction scores that are 81% higher than businesses who have low employee engagement.

It’s a huge impact. Satisfied customers are more likely to generate repeat business, leave positive reviews and recommend you to others. It’s a situation where everyone wins.

3. Soaring sales

And because everyone wins, so does your business; happy employees increase sales by 37%. As the Rt Hon Lord Mark Price, former Managing Director of Waitrose, and Deputy Chairman of the John Lewis Partnership said at the Quinyx WFM Day in 2019: “The argument has to be won that happiness isn’t nebulous. It’s a real thing you can instil, encourage and measure. And there’s a commercial advantage to it as well as an advantage to the individual and to society.”

4. The feel-good factor

Happiness spreads like wildfire and creates the best feel-good factor. When you make happiness a priority, you’ll have healthier staff (so less sick days), employees who are more loyal (less staff turnover) and who care more about their jobs (increased productivity).

To find out more about how workforce management can help with increasing employee happiness and productivity - while saving costs - don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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