Why you should be re-evaluating your sickness policy in 2024
Over the past few years, the subject of physical health and sickness has risen up the corporate priority list. The key impetus for this change is, of course, the global pandemic, which caused a wave of illness across the world, and forced businesses to instil new and evolving strategies in order to survive. However, whilst the pandemic may seem like a lifetime ago, health and wellbeing is still hugely in a state of flux.
According to recent CIPD data, the average rate of employee absence now stands at 7.8 days per employee per year, this is a considerable increase since the CIPD last reported this from data collected before the pandemic in October/November 2019, at 5.8 days per employee. Increasingly worrying for some industries is that in the public sector, the rate of sickness jumps to 10.6 per employee.