Often many job-starters get acquainted with their future collegues virtually with their new workplace situated in their own living room.
In many companies, onboarding from home has become the new normal, so, how can a good start succeed in these conditions?
For HR, management, and teams, developing a mostly virtual onboarding process is a considerable challenge.
In this e-Book, you’ll learn:
What makes a good onboarding and why it’s worth evaluating established routines.
What matters in a digital onboarding and how you can successfully develop the process for HR, the team, and new employees.
The connection between onboarding and good communication
About Babbel
Babbel is the world’s leading language learning platform with over 10 million subscribers and offers 60,000 lessons across 14 languages, hand-crafted by 200 didactics experts. Our B2B product provides highly effective solutions for businesses. Find out more on www.babbelforbusiness.com