Work design
Transformation | Building the case for investing in tech training and talent
COVID-19 delivered the most extraordinary transformation in our way of working and living that we will...
HR Grapevine
HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Success | Why do HR projects fail?
There are many factors that can determine the success of a project, from how effectively a business strategy...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Work-life balance | Eight reasons for refusing a flexible working request
Striking the right work/life balance is a very important aspect of modern life. Employees today are looking...
HR Grapevine
HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
'The new norm' | What will the future of work look like after the pandemic?
From homeworking to remote wellbeing and virtual methods of communication, the coronavirus pandemic has...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Wellbeing & comms | What does HR need to consider as lockdown eases?
The reopening of certain sectors from today will see the people function thinking about its role in facilitating...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Coronavirus | What should HR know about coronavirus?
HR Grapevine spoke to the experts to find out how the people function can lead the way in this challenging...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
PODCAST | How HR can manage back-to-work emotions
In this week's episode of the HR Grapevine podcast, Online Editor Sophie Parrott sits down to discuss...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Labs Live | The Results from an HR adventure into Agile
Last month, BPS World launched Labs Live, a series of live events promising HR problem solving - in...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Transformation | How has HR changed over the years?
The world of work has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Shaped by technology, new wo...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Employee experience research | Resilience and flexibility will lead to post-COVID opportunity
Twelve months of the pandemic has seen us arrive at an inflection point. So much has changed, and most...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Staff rewards | Work Xmas parties this year will be mix of in-person & virtual
New data has suggested that the move to hybrid working could be the reason behind a mix of work Christmas...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
What makes a successful HR career path?
How can I progress in my career? A question many, if not all of us have asked ourselves at some...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Security | What to do with staff who reveal company secrets
Employers keep company secrets close to their chest, but what happens if a worker chooses to divulge...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Employee care | Developing your strategy to improve mental wellbeing at work
Whether you're a HR manager, Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) manager or Captive manager there's...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Equality | The impact of gender bias on candidate attraction
The quality of a job description can dramatically impact the quality and quantity of candidates...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Gartner HR insight | The trends set to shape the workplace in 2023
What highs and lows might HR face this year?
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Analytics | Is HR using data as well as it could?
myGrapevine+ has collated insights from studies and publications, as well as speaking to leaders in business...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Robot redundancy | 61% of leaders think AI will replace HR. Are they right?
In the era of rapid technological advancements, the integration of artificial intelligence has undoubtedly...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Millennial job-hopping - it's not what you think!
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Onboarding - why are we still getting it wrong?
As all recruitment and HR professionals know the recruiting game is tough...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
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