AI & automation
Technology | Why data driven insights can reduce your HR cases
While there has been a significant increase in the use of analytics in many areas of HR...
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Artificial Intelligence | ChatGPT: your new HR assistant, or a liability?
At least 40% of businesses have harnessed artificial intelligence within their organisation. Usage is...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
New podcast | Are you protecting employee equity amid artificial intelligence adoption?
Much of the work DE&I leaders do is to unravel historic inequalities and biases. As we enter a new era...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Automation | Co-op turns to 'robot workers' as pandemic eases - here's HR reason why
Called Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Central England Co-op hope that the robot worker pivot will...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Productivity | Free up 30% of your team's time
How would you feel about freeing up 30% of your team's time?
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
How to take a customer-centric approach to HR channel shift
HR channel shift means shifting HR tasks online...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
AI | What's more important in recruitment: technology or humans?
Automation means new job roles will be created as well as replacing old ones...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
'Siloed & outdated' | Is HR 'stuck in the past' when it comes to tech?
To say that HR technology has undergone a key evolution in recent years would be a huge understateme...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Technology | 3 Skills the Modern Mobile Employee Needs
Globalization, the pace of technological advancement, and changing labor markets are just a few factors...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
AI-hiring | 'In machines we trust' but is ChatGPT-recruitment foolproof?
Should we trust in the machines to select the best candidate for the job and are the tools better than...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
PODCAST | Is hiring getting less human?
In this week's episode of the podcast, Online Editor Sophie Parrott explores whether hiring is becoming...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
HR technology | Fujitsu's HRD on adding value during digital disruption
After his riveting talk at HR Grapevine Live 2019, Fowler adds more thoughts about how HR can add value...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Jobseeker | How Does AI Change the Recruitment Process?
The term “AI” evokes extreme emotion these days. Some are excited about the prospect of automating...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Healthy workplace | The role of HR software in enhancing employee wellbeing
Across the HR landscape, a key feature of recent years has been recognition of the importance of employee...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Automation | How to manage increasing HR automation
Whilst admin tasks may become a thing of the past there are concerns...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Employee-driven market | Getting your employer brand right in 2024
Simply put, employer brand is the representation of a company as an employer, including its mission,...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Technology | Data's impact on employee experience
I recently spoke at one of our Human to Hybrid events, where we took a closer look at the role of data...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Technology | Digital futures: facilitating the human touch
Do you remember the days of the 'analogue office'? Carbon copiers and typewriters...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
CAIO | Huge rise in 'Chief AI Officers' - here's how the C-suite is changing
A new C-suite title is swiftly rising to the top of the strategic pile within many businesses - the Chief...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Tech | Microsoft exec: 'HR has five years to embrace AI'
Microsoft COO Clare Barclay tells HR Grapevine about where AI is heading in HR...
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HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
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