Talent | Become a better hiring manager

Become a better hiring manager

Hiring managers play a vital role in the recruitment process, and their decisions can affect the hiring and retention of employees.

In this insight, we explore this topic and look at how technology can aid in becoming a better hiring manager and how to get over the hurdle of remote hiring managers working collaboratively.

Hiring managers role in the recruitment process

Let’s start by looking at a hiring managers role in the recruitment process. We asked in-house recruiters who, within their organisation, are responsible for finding candidates for their vacancies.

Across the board, many industries still rely on hiring managers themselves getting involved in candidate attraction. However, you will also find some sectors where hiring managers play a crucial role in candidate sourcing, particularly in: Hospitality, Leisure & Tourism, Construction & Facilities Management, Education, Retail, Health & Social Care.

Better recruitment operations

Hiring managers often have a very clear understanding of the roles to fill and what they are looking for but lack a clear understanding of their role in the process. Having a structured framework and the right tools to make better, more timely, and fact-based decisions often requires recruitment technology and hiring metrics.

Recruitment technology to support hiring managers in managing their business areas' recruitment process can help alleviate the pain points. Recruitment tech can be configured to support a hiring managers involvement in raising vacancies, initial screening, shortlisting, scheduling interviews, sending candidate communications and searching talent pools. Recruitment technology can also ensure a compliant process and provide a detailed view of activity and the required actions at each stage of the process.

Having clear recruitment performance dashboards to understand the activity and status of vacancies, offers, placements and general recruitment analytics provide a focus for targets and an alert on which activities are a priority.

How to support hiring managers to work effectively

  • Provide simple to use, access anywhere, e-recruitment tools for hiring managers to overcome the obstacle of working remotely with clear responsibilities and the ability to work collaboratively.

  • Be clear on how you are addressing known issues and bottlenecks across the candidate touchpoints and expectations for each step, SLA’s and the identified process owner at each stage.

  • Automate parts of the process with well thought through permissions for what a hiring manager needs access to. Recruitment teams and HRBP’s should learn how a system/process works from the hiring manager’s perspective.

  • Remove the feeling of being overwhelmed by hiring manager responsibilities by setting up dashboards for quick access to the hiring manager’s current tasks, vacancies, offers and recruitment stages and setting access permissions for areas not required.

  • Do hiring managers know what good looks like? Seek feedback from hiring managers on where they need support to empower them to work effectively.

  • Signpost what support and access to training are available for hiring managers.

Hiring managers can be brought into the recruitment process effortlessly. It just needs simple to use technology that truly supports a hiring manager to be in control and work efficiently.

Free Resources

Hiring manager checklist. This checklist will help you identify how you currently meet the needs of your hiring managers and which areas could improve communication and collaboration.

Case study – How Community Integrated Care reduced the dependency on the recruitment function and empowered regional hiring managers.

Hiring manager checklist | Case study

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