Lesley Cooper, founder of WorkingWell sheds some light on the cause of some of that work stress, “Multiple economic, political, and environmental uncertainties, alongside relentless pressure for growth, have now combined in such a way that all companies – and therefore the people who work in them – need to find ways to keep doing more, with less. But many organisations are blind to the direct correlation between employee wellbeing and sustainable performance. The way that employees tend to respond to increased demand, by extending the working day for example, actively undermines personal performance sustainability.”
Interestingly, there is some stark differences in how the generations manage their approach to wellness. According to the Wellhub report, GenZ which is now the largest generation in the world is most actively engaged in caring for their mental wellness. They are most likely to meditate with apps (26%), in classes (20%) or through self-guided sessions (20%). It’s that direct approach to taking responsibility for health and wellbeing that is making a difference to many in how they can combat stress when it inevitably arrives.
From a restaurant menu to the selection of paint colours, the choice of wellbeing initiatives isn't any different and is now a case of ‘many and a lot’.