‘Before I was appointed as CPO, I’d never worked a single day in HR,’ admits Louise Atkinson, Chief People Officer, Babcock International Group, the UK’s second largest defence supplier to the UK Government.
I meet Atkinson on a typical autumnal day, the rain is lashing down outside as we begin our conversation, but she is ever the professional and we fritter little of our time on small talk. She begins by telling me that she took a well-trodden route from university into a two-year graduate scheme in financial services. I ask which business and, expect to have to Google the answer of some unknown entity but there is no need – it’s Zurich, the insurance giant. It was by now 2004 the year one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history occurred, the tsunami that killed over 227,000 people.
“I worked on the claims side of the insurance business, and I learned a lot about things like contract law and all the basics of business. It was a very intensive and competitive graduate scheme by Atkinson’s own admission. While being thrown directly into the firepit of a powerhouse and grappling with working life the young Atkinson was also served a curve ball when her first post-grad job in procurement came with some advice.
“I was told to ‘smooth down my rough edges’.” I ask her to explain this while taking a default position on her behalf of being offended. She has great self-awareness and did then too, a rarity when youth is at play: “I can be quite direct and animated about things. I like pace and working in uncertainty. It was an extremely successful company so there was no burning platform for change, and I wanted to be exposed to that.”
Prepared, however, to take note she adopted a chameleon position and tried to conform to what was required of the time while learning as much as she could. “I got all my basic business grounding in those two years.” She explains she learned everything from how to write an impactful PowerPoint presentation to the best way to run a meeting. The role involved heavy negotiations with legal firms and managing complex relationships.