Managing battle grounds at work and banishing the BFF myth

How do you be the bigger person when an argument at work catapults? Can you learn to stand 'out and proud' in your beliefs while also not upsetting the apple cart? Find out.
HR Grapevine
HR Grapevine | Executive Grapevine International Ltd
Managing battle grounds at work and banishing the BFF myth
Self-awareness is key to managing conflict in a positive way

Falling out with others is part of life. But can a good old spat be helpful if used to turbo charge diversity of opinion and to progress forward? HR Grapevine spoke to two L&D professionals about how to navigate the battlefields at work.

You only have to watch Panaroma in the midst of the election to witness the spats and feuds between professionals. While the political landscape may be a heightened example for conflict at work, it does illustrate how easily things can get heated when passions and different viewpoints are ignited with warring parties.

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