Iffi Wahla, CEO and Co-Founder of global talent network Edge says, “In house, recruiters are also using generative AI to tailor interview questions and create assessments. AI more generally is being used to screen CVs and benchmark interviews.”
Interviews can be developed to be cheat proof by looking at irregularities during the interview process, ensuring that applicants are assessed impartially – that’s a win for stripping out unconscious bias but comes peppered with questions.
Wahla says, “Outside of content creation, gen AI is also being used to help search for candidates. Recruiters can use it to find all the job titles relevant to the role and create Boolean strings to optimise and broaden their hunt for the right people to fill roles. Recruitment professionals are also able to better understand the roles they are looking for by using ChatGPT to do the hard yards of researching what each role entails.”
But what if you are a burgeoning business, starting out on that long walk to success? Is this type of recruitment either going to land you the best of the best or leave you wanting?
“The beauty of gen AI in its current form is that it is open to every business - no matter their size. However, doing gen AI well does require some training, as the more you know about it the better equipped you are to spot errors and optimise your results. Luckily, a lot of this search engineering training is free online,” says Wahla.
Recruiters can use it to find all the job titles relevant to the role and create Boolean strings to optimise and broaden their hunt for the right people to fill roles. Recruitment professionals are also able to better understand the roles they are looking for by using ChatGPT to do the hard yards of researching what each role entails
He warns, however, that it is worth remembering that gen AI is far from infallible and that recruiters still need to sense check the content that is produced. In that regard, bigger businesses still hold an advantage because they have more resources to devote to this process.